Brewery at Mill Creek
Erected in 2020 | Marker Number 216
Arthur Redmond, a European brewer who immigrated to Nashville in 1815, established a brewery and bakery on Chicken Pike, now Elm Hill Pike. Situated along the east side of Mill Creek near Foster's and Buchanan's mills, he brewed porter and ale and baked “ship bread” with barley purchased from local farmers. In 1819, Redmond was awarded a U.S. patent for “brewing improvements.” After his death in 1823, Paul Bianchi took over operations until closing in 1825.

Brewery at Mill Creek
Erected in 2020 | Marker Number 216
BARLEY WANTED – The subscriber being a regular bred Brewer, which business he practiced with success in Europe and America – has now engaged an eligible situation, and is making extensive arrangements to carry it on the vicinity of Nashville; a place well calculated for the culture of Barley, of which a large supply will be required, and a higher price given in Cash, than can be had for the other grain commonly brought to market. Farmers are requested to avail themselves to this opportunity and apply for further information.
Nashville, June 13, 1815 (Nashville Whig)